29 November 2008

"Sensitive Words" on cover of Trouw section

Today's edition of Trouw newspaper in Holland ran a long feature article by me on the Human Rights Council, political Islam, and the future of freedom of expression in Europe. It appears on the cover of the "Words & Mind" section, under the title "Gevoelige Woorden" (Sensitive Words).
De filosoof Austin Dacey woonde een zitting bij in dit ’tragikomische theater aan de Rhône’ en zag dat een open debat over religieuze kwesties al bijna onmogelijk is geworden. „Godslastering is teruggekeerd op het politieke wereldtoneel.”
The entire article is available (in Dutch) online.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now I have to learn Dutch to keep up with your output. Don't publish in Chinese anytime soon, as I can learn only one language at a time.